cn2 connection

We offer cn2 direct route to China and Asia including cn2 gia or gtt like US cn2 server,Japan cn2 server,South Korea CN2 server,HongKong cn2 server,Singapore cn2 server,Taiwan cn2 server and Europe cn2 server

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cn2 server cross the world

WHY CHOOSE US hosting image

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T3 or T4 Data Centers hosting image

Premium cn2 connection

Direct Connection to China with gia or gtt hosting image

Our Dedicated Support on 24x7x365

Tech Team anytime to give you flashing response

CN2 Dedicated Server in US,Taiwan,HongKong,Japan,South Korea,Singapore,Europe

Location Intel Xeon Processor(s) Ram Drive Bandwdith/Transfer Data CN2 Connection MONTHLY DEPLOY AVAILABILITY
US-Los Angeles Intel Xeon E3-1230v2 16GB 480GB SSD or 1TB Sata 1gb/unmetered cn2 route $139.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
South Korea Dual L5630 16GB 1TB Sata 20M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $168.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
HongKong E3-1225 or 1230 16GB to 256G 1TB Sata 20M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $149.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
Japan E3-1225 16GB 1TB Sata 20M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $160.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
Taiwan Dual E5-2660v2 64GB 2*600GB Sata 20M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $356.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
Vietnam Dual E5-2650v2 64GB 2*600GB Sata 10M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $923.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
Thailand Dual E5-2678 v3 64GB 2*480G SSD 100M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $1730.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now
Cambodia Dual E5-2690 16G 1TB SATA 20M CN2/Unmetered cn2 route $792.00 5 to 24 working hours Order Now